The Effects of Smoking on Your Digestive System

No part of our body is spared the damage that smoking can cause, and the digestive system in no different. Yes, while smoking does lead to a variety of problems relating to the heart and the lungs, the digestive system faces its fury as well. This article will tell you the risk you expose your digestive system to owing to your smoking habit.

Various studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of one's contracting colorectal cancer, one of the leading causes of cancer related deaths the world over. Also commonly referred to as colon cancer; this results in the formation and multiplication of cancerous cells within the rectum, appendix, and colon. Smokers also increase their risk of contracting gastrointestinal cancers (which include esophageal, stomach, gallbladder, liver and pancreatic cancer). Studies have also shown that cigar smoking in particular can lead to cancers of the upper digestive tract.

Crohn's Disease:
While there is little in the form of conclusive scientific evidence showing the link, a number of researches show that smoking can increase an individual's chance of contracting this disease. It is believed that the chemicals present in cigarettes work in irritating the intestines, thereby causing inflammation. Moreover, since smoking is known to affect one's immunity, it leaves the intestines more susceptible to infection. Signs of this condition include diarrhea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain.

Liver Diseases:
People who suffer from chronic liver conditions are strongly advised to refrain from smoking. This is because smoking is believed to contribute to aggravating the condition and is also believed to help in the progression of cirrhosis. Once the chemicals present in cigarettes get to the liver, they can work in causing oxidative stress, and this in turn, can lead to the liver cells being damaged. In addition, these chemicals prevent the liver from working efficiently in eliminating toxins from the body. Over a period of time, this can lead to irreversible damage.

There is no dearth of people who complain of discomfort and pain in their upper abdomen immediately after eating, and this, in most cases, is heartburn. This is basically caused because of what's referred to as acid indigestion or acid reflux. Various studies have identified smoking as a factor that can promote acid reflux. Quitting smoking, though, can bring about a significant positive change in this condition.

Peptic Ulcers:
Studies have shown that occurrences of most cases of peptic ulcers are because of factors that include bacterial infections, reactions to certain kinds of medications, and smoking. Yes, studies have shown that the occurrence of peptic ulcers is more common in smokers as compared to non-smokers. This is because smoking is known to produce an inconsistent effect on the secretion of gastric acid, and also affects upper gastrointestinal functioning.

The simplest thing to do if you want to protect your digestive system from the perils of smoking is to quit smoking. Know that help is available in various forms, and this includes the use of NRT products, hypnosis, and different kinds of medication. What's important though is for you to make up your mind that you really want to quit smoking.

For Information on the Effects of Smoking Cigarettes:

Most Smokers Start Out With A Loose Wagon Of Chips

We are going to start this article pretty much the way most smokers start out. They certainly don't want to do themselves dirty. They are for the most part good folks. They come from all backgrounds. There's nothing in common that they share with fellow smokers-- except their loose wagons.

What do I mean by that? Well, when they start smoking, it's they all alone on their own who take in that first drag. No one's lips or mouth's there but theirs. And the lungs they drag that smoke into are all theirs. And the arms and fingers that move those cigarettes from mouths back and forth are theirs, too. No one else is pulling the strings.

Their wagon is free from all the other wagons. No one is hitched to another. Certainly, there could be many loose wagons there when they take that first nauseous drag, but say it however you wish, they're on their own.

Now that wagon of theirs also contains what I call chips. What do I mean by chips? Well, chips could be grudges they have that they want to act out- get back at other folks- make others pay for their looseness.

But not all kids take up smoking as a payback. A lot of kids take up smoking with a wagon of chips which shows they're entitled to do what they wish or don't wish. They like the idea of their entitlement and certainly can't see ahead to when entitlement also entitles them to serious illness pullbacks.

If you can picture all over the world-young folks starting out with their loose wagons and circling around the loose wagons of others-all bent on the thrill of smoking- then you can begin to see the cruel dynamics that await them in the future.

...I recall being near a conversation a man was having over the phone with some out-of-town guy- they were talking business... And it went on and on and on.

Someone standing there quipped to another guy there- "Is it a dog or a cat?" And when I asked him what that phrase was supposed to mean- he said, "You know he's been going on for almost an hour, and I'm wondering what is going to be the outcome."

And another man said--in answer to his words-"Probably"...And again I asked, 'What does 'probably' mean?' He turned to me and said, "Something always has to happen... We may not see it at the time, but it sure does. It is always a dog or cat!"

That's stuck with me as I've pondered on the smokers who start out with loose wagons of chips...They may not think much is going to happen-but sure as lungs and hearts heave-ho, the result will either be a dog or a cat. (It's just the way the world keeps track.)

They should never think that nothing comes from smoking Something always comes from smoking.

Humbler Acts hopes that you've enjoyed this article and would like to enjoy others--by clicking to his site,, where you can view his many blogs--as well as discover where you can opt in for his Free Report, which tells you all.

Glutathione's Health Benefits

Glutathione is an antioxidant that researbhers claim is a detoxifier and immune system booster. They also believe that it will assist your body in repairing the damage caused by:

• Radiation
• Stress
• Infection
• Pollution
• Aging
• Poor diet
• Burns
• Trauma
• Injury/Inflammation

Glutatione is a tiny molecule that is found in every cell of our body. It is the most important antioxidant in our body because it is within our cells. It repairs damage that is done to our bodies by our repetitive movements and strenuous activities (such as sports) that we engage in on a daily basis.

Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that build up in our cells over time and cause damage to our bodies in various ways. Because glutathione is inside our cells, it is in the perfect position to deactivate free radicals. Not only that, but it has potentially widespread benefits to our health because it is found in many different kinds of cells, including our immune system's cells, whose purpose is to fight off diseases. Glutathione is naturally found in many of the foods we consume. People who eat a balanced diet probably consume enough without needing a nutritional supplement. However, those who do not eat a balanced diet may not get a sufficient amount of glutathione. These individuals should consider obtaining a glutathione supplement.

Glutathione is a strong antioxidant that keeps our cells running smoothly. It also assists our liver in removing chemicals that are foreign to our bodies, such as pollutants and drugs.

According to the studies that have been done on glutathione, it has the potential of fighting nearly any disease. It helps with the diseases that are particularly associated with aging because free radical damage causes many of the diseases seen in the elderly.

Some of the conditions that people have used glutathione to treat include:

• High blood pressure
• Cancer
• Parkinson's disease
• Male infertility
• Cataracts
• Alzheimer's disease

The most promising studies have involved cancer. One of the studies that was done involved women who were suffering with ovarian cancer. These women were receiving treatment in the form of chemotherapy. Some of these women also received glutathione intravenously. The women given the intravenous glutathione had fewer chemotherapy side effects and an overall increase in survival rate.

Glutathione is a substance that our liver produces from glutamic acid, amino acids cysteine and glycine. It defends our bodies against damage that is caused from smoking cigarette, chemotherapy, exposure to radiation and toxins from alcohol consumption.

When it is combined with selenium, it forms glutathione peroxidase, which assists in the neutralization of hydrogen peroxide. It is also an element of another enzyme that is a wide-ranging liver detoxifying substance. Glutathione detoxifies drugs and heavy metals and helps with the treatment of liver and blood disorders. It also protects the tissues of the brain, kidneys, heart, arteries, liver, lungs, eye lenses, oxidative damage to the skin and immune cells.

Glutathione supplements may help prevent certain types of cancer, particularly liver cancer and may actually target carcinogens. It is believed that these carcinogens are made water-soluble and then escorted out of the body by the glutathione.

It is said to have anti-aging effects. This is because reduced levels of glutathione in the elderly can cause a decrease in the ability of the body to neutralize free radicals. A glutathione supplement should be included in the vitamin supplements taken by the individuals within our elderly communities.

Some Spirulina Health Benefits

Spirulina is an amazing super food that many people have been using over the past decade to get more protein in their diets. Put simply, spirulina is a supplement taken from the blue-green algae that grows in water that is highly alkaline. It can be found at many health food stores and is available as a powder, tablets, and even dried and flattened wafers. In addition to protein, spirulina also contains many other essential nutrients in extremely concentrated quantities. Some of these include iron, vitamin B12, beta-carotene, and essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 which is also found in fish oil.

Scientists have been researching spirulina extensively over the past few years and have come to the conclusion that it has great health benefits for anyone taking this supplement. Since spirulina occurs naturally in the environment and not synthesized in the laboratory you can be assured that no harmful chemicals are entering your body. However, it is important to know the source of the spirulina you are purchasing before taking it. The reason for this is that the algae tends to act as a sponge during its lifecycle, soaking up not only nutrients from the environment but also toxins. As long as the spirulina is from a trusted source you should be fine. If you have any doubts, read the label on the bottle or ask the sales associate for any information they may have on the subject.

Since spirulina contains so many nutrients, it's health benefits are far-reaching. Vegetarians who find it hard to introduce protein into their diets will no longer have to worry about it when taking spirulina. The amazing thing about the proteins found in spirulina is how easy it is to digest. Normally, the person's body takes a while to break down the protein found in meat but with spirulina, the protein is basically liquefied. This means that as soon as it enters your body, you start efficiently absorbing it into your system. The number and concentration of antioxidants in this super food are extremely high. If you didn't already know, antioxidants are one of the most effective tools in the fight against cancer, aging, and many other diseases and ailments. If you are feeling sluggish during the day, you may have a deficiency of certain vitamins specifically the B complex vitamins. Spirulina just so happens to contain great quantities of both B-6 and B-12 vitamins which we all know is a great way to provide the body with energy naturally. This superfood is also high effective for boosting a person's immune system, which is great during the cold and flu season.

Before buying any kind of spirulina from your health food store, make sure that it is certified as organically grown. This basically means that no chemicals or fertilizers were used in the production of the algae. Since spirulina absorbs so much from its surrounding environment, it is good to make sure nothing synthetic and harmful was used in its growth. Give spirulina a try today for better health and longevity!

For more information about spirulina and other healthy supplements, check out the health benefits of spirulina on my website healthy living.

Products With DMAE Benefits

DMAE, and products with DMAE provide many benefits to you. This article will give you the facts about DMAE, explaining what is DMAE, why a blended DMAE supplement is more effective for you, and how DMAE can change your life and help you reach peak performance.

What is DMAE | Deanol?

DMAE is an organic compound similar to choline. (It is not a vitamin as it can be produced naturally within the body.) Chemically, it has two methyl groups so has the common chemical name dimethylaminoethanol. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) references it as 2-(Dimethylamino)ethanol. Its form is that of a clear liquid with a pale, yellow hue. In Europe, and elsewhere, DMAE is commonly referred to as 'Deanol'.

Products with DMAE | supplement

Taking a DMAE supplement is classified as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). However, discerning buyers should consider a few important facts:

    * DMAE supplements without other active ingredients Some DMAE supplements only have DMAE as the active ingredient. This typically means that the supplement either has too much DMAE - thus causing adverse effects (see below) - or too little DMAE to be effective. Further, and more importantly, is the fact that DMAE on its own is not sufficient to move towards peak performance as it cannot produce acetylcholine on its own. If you want greater personal development then the DMAE benefits you seek will really only come about when it is combined with other ingredients, such as Ginkgo Biloba, Tyrosine and B Vitamins. Such a blend of ingredients needs to be scientifically formulated by professionals.
    * Make sure the DMAE supplement is manufactured in a GMP environment Some DMAE supplements are not manufactured in a GMP environment. This should ring warning bells as such products may have contaminants and be of very poor quality. Make sure that any supplement you purchase is manufactured in an FDA regulated, GMP environment, as this helps to ensure that you get the highest quality DMAE supplement available.

16 DMAE benefits!

Here's a quick list of DMAE benefits for you:

   1. It will give you clarity of thought
   2. You will probably have a greater sense of well-being
   3. You will have improved mental alertness
   4. You will have increased focus
   5. You will probably be more motivated
   6. It may benefit you if you're experiencing cognitive decline
   7. It is widely believed to act as an anti-aging agent
   8. It has growing popularity as a dermatological application
   9. You will probably feel more energized
  10. You should have increased concentration
  11. It helps to de-stress the brain environment as it is also a free radical scavenger (FRS)
  12. It also acts as an anti-oxidant
  13. It complements other antioxidants and nutrients and, therefore, makes them more effective
  14. It is safe and non-addictive
  15. At least one scientific study (Miller, 1974) found that it resolved dyskinesia - L-DOPA induced abnormal movements - that is experienced with Parkinson's disease
  16. If the right DMAE supplement is taken you should experience increased vigilance and attention

Unsupported claims about DMAE benefits

The following are some unsupported claims made about DMAE benefits. They're listed here for you to consider but you should be aware that, to date, there isn't any internationally recognized scientific research to back up the claims. That's not to say that the claims aren't true... but in the absence of 'proof', it's sometimes better to be skeptical:

   1. Increases metabolism and therefore assists in weight loss
      Various people speak of the 'thermogenic' effect that DMAE has in the body. The argument is that DMAE benefits you by increasing metabolism, which in turn burns more fat, which in turn causes weight loss. This has yet to be proven. It's worth considering that weight loss may well occur when taking DMAE, but if such is the case, it's more likely to be a consequence of the other DMAE benefits that are internationally accepted as fact. For example, peak performance in athletics and bodybuilding can result when you improve concentration, and this has a natural affect of weight loss.
   2. Reduces hangovers!
      Okay... let's just leave this one and move on...
   3. Less sleep needed due to quality of sleep when taking DMAE
      This claim is very difficult to either prove or disprove from a scientific point of view. Some people taking DMAE supplements may experience improved sleeping habits but it's very difficult to prove that it's directly attributable to DMAE. Quite often, if you want to change your life, or try to achieve peak performance, you become more motivated towards personal development in some form. When your quality of life changes for the better, as a result of this increased performance, then you frequently feel more energized and sleep less.
   4. Reduces chronic fatigue
      This is almost a dangerous claim. There's no doubt that DMAE benefits can help in so many areas of your life, but nobody should expect a DMAE supplement to be a permanent remedy for chronic fatigue. If you're experiencing chronic fatigue, then you should consult a medical doctor. Chronic fatigue can result for many different reasons, both physical and mental, and should be professionally assessed in case there's a serious, underlying health concern. Sometimes if you change your life, i.e. change your lifestyle, then you can reduce chronic fatigue and improve your quality of life.
   5. Enhances dreaming (induces lucid dreaming)
      This is similar to the claim of you needing less sleep. Lucid dreaming - if it can be really measured - is very much open to interpretation. It may be considered a benefit but it's a very difficult subject to nail down. You should let your own perspective guide you here - if you feel that lucid dreaming is a real concept and that it's worth pursuing, then go for it! If not, there are plenty other benefits from taking a scientifically formulated DMAE supplement.

Known DMAE side effects

As the old expression goes 'too much of anything is a bad thing'. DMAE is no different. On it's own, and taken in excessive quantities, some people have experienced an uneasy, restless feeling; others have experienced muscle tension (particularly around the neck and upper shoulders); and others have experienced a poorer quality of sleep. It should be noted, however, that in all such reported instances the people involved had taken far too much DMAE and, where sleep disturbance resulted, the DMAE was taken in excessive quantities before going to bed. Even coffee lovers know not to consume 20 espressos before bedtime! Make sure that the supplement you take has the right quantities of DMAE, but in a scientifically formulated blend, particularly if you're seeking one of the best body building supplements you can buy.

5 more facts about dimethylaminoethanol

   1. DMAE is known to reduce hyperactivity in children and is considered by many to be a natural alternative to Ritalin and Adderall. These claims are supported by Geller's (1960) double blind study with fifty children
   2. We make trace amounts of DMAE in our brain
   3. High concentrations of it are found in certain oily fish foods, e.g. salmon, anchovies, sardines
   4. Taking a DMAE supplement with food will slow down the absorption rate
   5. DMAE is sometimes called the smartest of the smart foods

DMAE supplement | weight lifting supplements

A DMAE supplement can prove to be one of the best weight lifting supplements, or bodybuilding supplements generally. Because of its ability to help an athlete to increase their concentration and to stay focused, you can get more out the final 15 minutes in your hourly workout. Athletes know all too well how difficult it is to stay on track for the last 15 minutes. Your body is tired, your focus is slipping and there's a fight to keep reaching your peak performance during this time. By simply doing one extra thing before you begin... by taking the right prevorkout supplement... you'll be able to get the most from your workout.

DMAE is also known to strengthen cell membranes, which could be concluded to improve muscles tone.

And for appearances... bodybuilders know that the appearance of their skin has a big effect on how their physique is judged. DMAE is also known to strengthen cell membranes (which improves muscle tone), to help promote taut skin and to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles. Looking good!

DMAE mild cognitive impairment

Mild cognitive impairment is a very broad expression and relates to a number of different issues that can affect people's cognitive (mental) capacities. DMAE has been the subject of much research in these areas and, depending on the areas being investigated, has provided generally positive results:

    * Alzheimer's Disease (AD) - whilst there's varying levels of cognitive decline in Alzheimer patients, DMAE should not be seen as an alternative for medically prescribed drugs. Indeed, Fisman's study (1981) found no benefit to Alzheimer's sufferers. However, in its earliest stages, DMAE may benefit those suffering from AD as it strengthens cell membranes and thus helps to prevent brain cellular loss. As well as this, there is frequently a low mood experienced by those with AD and DMAE can help counter these feelings due to its ability to help people feel more focused and energized.
    * Some mild cognitive impairment is actually caused by psychological, rather than physical, factors. Anxiety and depression, for example, can interfere with what would otherwise be healthy cognitive processes. Ferris (1977) examined 14 older patients who took DMAE over a four-week period. The results conclusively showed that 10 of these patients showed reduced levels of depression, less anxiety, increased motivation and what are generally described as positive behavioral changes. Whilst the other 4 patients didn't show the positive results, there were no negative experiences reported by the study's participants.
    * Problem solving and organization of activity have also been scientifically proven (re. Geller's 1960 study) benefits from taking DMAE.

Which DMAE supplement to choose

Choose a premium quality brain food. Look for one that is scientifically formulated, so that it gives you the optimum blend of ingredients to gain the most from DMAE. The best DMAE supplement you can take will contain DMAE, vinpocetine, bacopa, ginkgo biloba and B vitamins (B5, B6, B12 and choline bitartrate)... not to mention many other brain-enhancing ingredients.

Choosing the right supplement can help you change your life as it will help you improve the quality of your life by helping you reach your peak performance.

Make sure it's safe. Make sure it's manufactured in an FDA regulated, GMP environment so that you are assured of the quality.
Invest wisely by first investing in you.

(c) Neurapex LLC, 2012

Gordon Graham is a founding member of Neurapex Limited.

Neurapex is an advanced DMAE supplement that delivers a powerful combination of vitamins and other natural ingredients, enabling you to achieve the highest levels of your mental and physical capability. Outperforming other leading brain supplements by as much as 86 percent, the proprietary mixture of active ingredients found in neurapex is proven to:

   1. Increase attention, focus and clarity,
   2. Boost muscle memory, reaction time and precision, and
   3. Combat the causes of short-term memory loss.

Whether you're looking to improve your memory, increase attention span or master a physical activity, neurapex is the only brain booster that delivers the proprietary ingredients enabling you to realize and sustain peak performance.

(c) Neurapex Limited, 2012

The Effect Of Healthy Testosterone Supplements

Sometimes, when a body lacks the male hormone, testosterone supplements can be taken for purely medical reasons because at that time the body needs some improvement in bone structure or regulating muscle growth. These supplements are also taken by body builders who use it in their practice. There are also illegal versions of these hormonal supplements which are somewhat often reached after by the builders. Testosterone is not only used by the body builders or the sports men. Sometimes woman to man trans-genders use it to in the process of becoming a male.

There are many ways to intake testosterone supplements as there are many kinds of products including this hormonal supplement. It can be taken via the skin tissue if used as a cream, patches or testosterone gel. Usually, though, it is taken orally or with injections. Since testosterone cannot develop in the body by itself, carbon must be taken too, since it helps absorbing of the supplement a lot. The more carbon is added, the faster will the body absorb the testosterone.

The benefits of testosterone supplements usage are quite a lot. In medicine sometimes are used for regulating the cholesterol level, since it was proved that testosterone can help with the lowering of bad cholesterol, while it is beneficial for increment of the good cholesterol in the blood. These supplements if taken without exaggeration can help with increasing the mental abilities of young men, improve their athletic powers and also regulate the sex drive.

It is a fact that when using testosterone supplements visible results will be apparent very fast, but there are many harmful side effects. Some of the common and maybe not so harmful risks caused by testosterone intake are hair loss, aggression, bitter mouth taste or acne on the skin.

However, testosterone supplements have a worse side, too. If taken too often or in big amounts, it can lead to diabetes, kidney failure, problems with the functioning of the liver and in extreme situations even liver cancer. It can be responsible for increased blood pressure and even heart stroke. When used without proper care and reckless going over the board, it can raise the possibilities of getting prostate cancer. When women use testosterone supplements they may develop facial hair or start having deep voice. In some serious cases it is possible to cause breast cancer as well. Therefore, whenever it is used, the risks of side effect should be seriously considered.

In case of deficiency, testosterone supplements provide tremendous relief to the symptoms caused by this debilitating hormone deficiency.

Natural ADHD Remedies For Children and Adults

Natural ADHD remedies for children and adults should be the first place we look for help with our problem. As a conscientious parent -- or an adult patient -- we want a remedy that works and is safe. And we would think our doctor would have the most familiarity with both the medical problems we encounter, as well as their solutions -- but this isn't necessarily so.

The average MD or pediatrician, psychologist or psychiatrist, has very little training in the science of nutrition. Furthermore, they don't earn their income from recommending vitamins that you can buy inexpensively at the health food store. Instead, they are trained and continually updated on the latest pharmaceutical drugs that are not available to the public without a prescription. On these, they and other doctors, have a medical monopoly.

We and our children are also trained, as "patients", to accept the doctors' advice -- even though we may sustain unpleasant reactions to some of the medicines they prescribe.

In fact, every year more than 100,000 Americans die from taking legal, prescribed drugs. Amphetamines, which are commonly prescribed for ADHD children, are some of the more dangerous ones.

Often, those who survive may even need an additional prescription for a new medication to cover up the side-effects caused by the original one! We may grumble, but we figure the doctor knows best. But does he?

Of course, those of us who are looking for a natural ADHD remedy, will probably not be looking for it in the office of conventional medical practitioners. We've been down that road before and we know where it leads. Nowhere!

Where Can We Find Natural ADHD Supplements?

Well, they are all over the Internet, but are they any good?

Many are offered by doctors who have studied ADHD in books, but how many are formulated by a doctor who has ADHD and knows it inside and out?

Here is another thing to consider: Anyone who has been on Ritalin or Adderall for any length of time is not likely to be satisfied by a natural formula that contains no stimulants at all.

Caffeine in it many forms has been found to be effective in improving focus, memory, and attention functions of the brain. It has not be shown to harm the brain or the body, when used in moderation. To the contrary, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease are less prevalent in daily coffee consumers.

I was given coffee, starting in the 2nd or 3rd grade, every day before school -- and it helped me to get through with honors. So, unless you are religiously opposed to using caffeine or letting your child use it, caffeine has a place in natural ADHD remedies. It can help, if your child responds well to it. you are and here is what I, as a non-doctor, can tell you:

What I have learned as one who has suffered, undiagnosed, for many years the symptoms of inattention, lack of focus, and lack of motivation to do things that don't interest me is this:

1) A person with ADHD needs more blood circulation to their brain. One easy and very popular way to accomplish this is with the use of herbal stimulants such as caffeine. There are other, longer-acting forms of caffeine derived from Yerba Mate, Guarana, and Green Tea that are excellent for this purpose, as well as safe and healthful.

Aerobic exercise for 40 minutes or more a day is another great way to maximize the oxygen that reaches the brain. Exercise is also a potent antidepressant.

2) It is also important not to cause wild fluctuations in blood sugar levels, because these upset the equilibrium of the brain. The body's system of checks and balances strives to maintain consistency, except when responding to an emergency like a fight-or-flight scenario. Loading the stomach with lots of sugary food and drink throws our whole emotional/mental balance out of alignment This should be avoided by careful eating and meal preparation.

3) Finally, it is critical to maximize the nutritional reserves of the brain so that we can hopefully bring neurotransmitter levels up to what they should be. The modern Western diet of fast foods and packaged meals and snacks doesn't do a good job of this, even for the healthy individual.

For a variety of reasons, many children are now born with innately low levels of key neurotransmitters. We can help them to function as normally as possible by supplementing their diet with key brain nutrients.

Omega-3 Fats are very important for the brain's physical health and also to maintain a healthy, upbeat mood. The modern diet of fast foods, processed foods, and snacks throws the balance in favor of Omega-6 oils, which compete against the Omega-3s.

Reducing or eliminating fried foods, while supplementing with sources of Omega-3 oils is a good practice. There are both animal and vegan sources of these essential fatty acids.

In addition to eating a healthy, balanced diet of mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and nuts, supplementation of the full range of vitamins and minerals, plus Nootropics is very important as natural ADHD remedies.

There is too much to say about nutrition in the space available here. To learn more about how to feel, look, and perform your best, visit

While you're there, see what I've found to be the best Natural ADHD Remedies.

Placenta Encapsulation

Placentophagia is common in many countries but especially in western parts. It is believed that eating placenta has lots of benefits to a mother who gives birth. There are different ways on how to consume the placenta after the woman gives birth for her to get the benefits, including the prevention of post-partum depression. For those who are squeamish at the thought of eating placenta, it is now available in capsule form for the mother to use as a supplement after giving birth.

Tradition`l Chinese medicine recognized the placenta as a vital and powerful part of the healing process. After giving birth, mothers typically experience blood loss, drop of hormones and fatigue. All those things contribute to the development of postpartum blues or postpartum depression. Placenta capsules are the best way to take the placenta because a mother will no longer have to prepare it as a dish and also because it is ready to take and will immediately aid vitamin and mineral loss.

Post-Partum blues affects the majority of women and it interferes with the role of a mother to a child. For those that don't want to resort to drugs, placenta encapsulation is an ideal way to avoid any complications and problems after giving birth. Both mother and father must be aware of postpartum depression for them to know how to manage and prevent it before it gets worse. Below are the symptoms of postpartum blues:

1. Feeling of dependency
2. Lack of concentration
3. Unexplained sadness
4. Weepiness
5. Mood instability

Post-partum depression causes:

1. Emotional and physical stress of birthing
2. Sleep deprivation and fatigue
3. Rapid hormonal changes
4. Lack of support from family and husband/partner
5. Absence of partner during birth
6. Teen age pregnancy

These days more and more women are experiencing postpartum depression and mood disorder after giving birth. Using placenta capsules during the post-partum period can prevent those symptoms and save money on costly treatments that are common when depression occurs. Placenta encapsulation is the fastest and easiest way to consume your own placenta.
Placenta encapsulation benefits:

1. Has the ability to sustain, heal and strengthen the uterus
2. Increase the mothers energy
3. Enhances the milk supply
4. Balances the hormones
5. Replaces the minerals and vitamins that are lost due to blood loss
6. Increases post-partum iron level
7. Assists the uterus to return to its normal size
8. Shortens the post-partum bleeding
9. Prevents baby blues
10. Brings the body back to its normal balance

Women who are taking placenta capsules report that they are experiencing fewer emotional issues after giving birth. They also notice that there is an increase in happiness and energy during the post-partum period. Moms who are taking placenta capsules consider them as happy pills. The role of your placenta is not only beneficial to babies, but also has great benefits to mothers. If you are worrying if placenta capsules are safe and will not cause any illness, you should worry no more since the placenta powder you will be taking comes from you. There are kits available to encapsulate your own placenta and the process doesn't take long. You can immediately take the capsule the day after you gave birth.

Flipper Teeth

Inexpensive false teeth that fit into the mouth like a partial denture are called flipper teeth. The false teeth are made ott of acrylic and attached to an acrylic resin base. Since the flipper teeth are of lesser quality than a traditional partial denture, they are not considered a permanent solution to tooth replacement.

A flipper tooth is used until the person can afford to get a permanent tooth replacement like a dental bridge, partial denture, or dental implant. The fake tooth of the flipper may be made of plastic or porcelain. Since the entire apparatus is usually made from plastic, the flipper is not as strong as traditional dentures.

Since the flipper tooth can only be used temporarily, many people may view a flipper as not worth the investment. Though the flipper can cost between two hundred and five hundred dollars, this price is significantly less than the permanent tooth replacement options. There are several reasons why a flipper tooth can be worthwhile.

Some patients prefer to use flippers and replace them as necessary rather than spend more money for a traditional denture or other permanent way to replace missing teeth. If a person intends to get a dental implant, bridge, or denture but does not have the money or insurance to cover the cost, a flipper tooth can allow the person to replace the tooth while saving money for the tooth replacement.

Dental flippers are the only recommended method of tooth replacement for adolescents who have lost a permanent tooth due to tooth decay or injury. A dental bridge or implant would interfere with the natural growth of the adolescent's jaw. The flipper hides the gap from a missing tooth which can help prevent the child from being teased in school.

Gaps in the teeth that are caused by missing teeth can make a person self-conscious about their smile or eating in public. They may feel the need to cover their mouth when they laugh. A dental flipper can make the people who are missing teeth more self-confident about their appearance.

Even if the person plans to get dentures as soon as possible after having teeth pulled, the swelling of the gums can take several weeks to subside completely. The swelling should be gone before getting fitted for a denture. Otherwise, the denture will not fit securely.

The patient can use a flipper while waiting for the end of the swelling. This way, the person can continue to go to work or school without feeling embarrassed about the gap from the missing teeth. Typically, the dentist recommends waiting a few weeks before being fitted for the partial denture.

A dental flipper is removed and cleaned every night like a denture. Thorough cleaning of the denture is necessary to prevent the buildup of bacteria that can cause bad breath. The flipper teeth need to be handled with caution since they are not as strong as a regular denture.

Sheila Wilson has written numerous articles about flipper teeth, root canal, and other dental treatment. Please view her Flipper Teeth page for more information about this affordable tooth replacement option.

Natural Vitamins for ADHD in Children

Vitamins can certainly play an important role in sustaining balance in ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, in children. Sufficient biochemical vitamin equilibrium is fundamental to assist the brain in harmonizing particular neurotransmitters. There are vitamins and nutrients that can help the brain function and are vital for those who wish to utilize vitamins or for ADHD in children.

ADHD causes the child to become easily distracted, hyperactive, and impetuous. Many physicians and alternative medicine doctors frequently suggest complementing the child's diet with minerals and vitamins for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Studies have shown them to be effective in lessening the symptoms, or fixing a nutritional deficiency that could be the reason for their ADHD symptoms.

A child's pediatrician or physician may propose an Intracellular-Vitamin Analysis blood test to decide the vitamins that are deficient in a child's diet. According to research, the top nutrients and vitamins for treating ADHD are Vitamin B complex, Omega 3, magnesium, protein, zinc, and Vitamin C.

Here is a list of the vitamins and nutrients suggested for ADHD treatment and why they are deemed so effective.

. Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Research shows that children afflicted with ADHD may possibly have decreased levels of omega-3 fish oil. The DHA, docosahexaenoic and EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, thought to be the foundation of the brain, can perform a role in the treatment of symptoms of ADHD. Unfortunately, our bodies do not naturally create this compound and often children’s’ diets are systematically deficient in very important omega-3 fats. The foods with the highest omega-3 are tuna, salmon, walnuts, soybeans, and butternuts.

. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential for standard brain growth and is vital in the amalgamation of brain chemicals together with dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. A lack of B6 could show-up through symptoms such as inability to concentrate, irritability, and short-term memory loss. Routine ingestion of vitamin B6 can assist in the reduction of behavioral difficulties in hyperactive children.

. Natural vitamins and food

The vitamins found within our food are known as natural vitamins. Perfect sources of B vitamins are green-leafy vegetables, eggs, cereals, fish, and milk.

- An excellent fruit for Vitamin C are oranges, which can help to improve moods.

- Magnesium is considered a calming mineral and is found in peas, nuts, black beans, ready-to-eat-whole grain cereals, and seeds.

- Zinc is found in pork, turkey, beef, chicken, lamb, salmon, and crabmeat.

It has also been noted that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have decreased symptoms after being out in nature such as taking a walk, riding a bike, or just playing in general. Activities in natural environments or green spaces such as parks, farms, wilderness, or backyards momentarily halts the symptoms of ADHD in kids. This was confirmed by the Journal of Attention Disorders.

In addition, the brain scans of children with ADHD appear to have irregularities in the fiber-pathways where brain signals travel. This study shows that ADHD could be more than just a chemical inequity. There are always more studies being conducted in hopes of finding the cause of ADHD at its roots and hopefully a permanent cure.

Puneet writes a blog about ADHD and helps ADHD sufferers to find new treatments in naturopathy and alternative medicine. If you are looking for a well-researched herbal remedy for ADHD, you may read more

ADHD Symptoms and Why Drugs Don't Work

For many years, Ritalin and Adderall have been the most common treatment for ADHD symptoms. Many people, including physicians who ought to know better, still believe that children who suffer from attention deficit disorder have an "inborn defect" which makes them different from supposedly "normal" children; as a result, central nervous system stimulants such as Ritalin have a "paradoxical effect" (the theory goes) upon them, calming them down and helping them to focus rather than exciting them. In a recent article from the New York Times, Dr. Alan Sroufe of Minnesota's Institute for Child Development disputes this theory and shows that these drugs had exactly the same effect on radar operators during World War II; he also found that "all children, whether they had attention problems or not, responded to stimulant drugs the same way."

In other words, children who suffer from ADHD symptoms don't have an inborn defect, and there's no evidence for the supposed "paradoxical effect" of the most common ADHD medications. Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants -- "uppers", as we used to call them during my youth -- and anyone who has relied upon them to get through exams week understands their short-term benefits. Like other amphetamines, these drugs help you to focus your attention and to engage in "boring" tasks (like studying for your biology final) for an extended period of time -- say, that all-nighter while you're cramming.

As the body adapts to these drugs, the short-term benefits often fade (just as the short-term benefits of taking anti-depressants fade after 6-8 weeks). They also have unpleasant side effects such as sleeplessness and loss of appetite, feelings of dullness and changes in personality; they've also been linked to intermittent psychotic episodes. Anyone familiar with the side effects of other drugs that affect neurotransmitters in the neural synapse (the SSRIs, for example) has to wonder if nerve damage may also result from using Ritalin and Adderall long-term.

As with adults who stop taking SSRIs for depression, children who discontinue stimulants for ADHD symptoms also demonstrate the "rebound effect"; their behavior worsens, which then convinces parents that the drugs were actually "working", when in fact their children's bodies have adapted to the drug in their system and strongly react to its withdrawal. Adults may have a similar response if they suddenly stop drinking coffee or quit smoking. For similar reasons, the worsening of depression symptoms after stopping the use of SSRIs often convinces patients that the drugs were actually "working".

Due to aggressive marketing by the APA and the pharmaceutical industry, along with the nearly universal wish to believe that psychiatric problems and societal ills can be solved by taking a pill, physicians and parents have come to rely on medication as the preferred mode of treatment, especially when they hear of rtudies showing brain anomalies in children who suffer from ADHD symptoms. If you're familiar with the work of Allan Schore, you know that brain anomalies also result from failures in early attachment, during the first year of life. It's quite likely that ADHD symptoms and the brain scan anomalies found in children who suffer from those symptoms result from experience.

Since 1995, Dr. Sroufe and his colleagues at the Minnesota Institute for Child Development have been following 200 children born into poverty, thus more vulnerable to behavioral problems. His and other epidemiological studies have found that the environment of the child is a better predictor for the development of ADD problems than IQ or infant temperament, including activity level. These studies tell us that what happens to you during infancy and early childhood will shape you (and your brain) for life.

I have close friends whose son, born prematurely, suffers from ADHD symptoms. His premature birth and the experience of those early months of life color his family, peer and academic relationships to this day. I've known others who suffer from attention deficit disorder, with family backgrounds full of chaos and instability which likely influenced the development of their ADHD symptoms. Helping someone recover from such early deficits is a highly complex and difficult challenge; it's so much easier and deceptively comforting to believe that you can prescribe your way out of the problem, rather than trying to do something about the complex interaction between societal woes, family fragmentation and neurological development. In a similar vein, it's much simpler to buy into the widespread belief that SSRIs will cure your depression than face the facts: making a meaningful difference in your state of mind means engaging in the difficult and long-term work of psychotherapy.

Joseph Burgo PhD is a clinical psychologist with 30+ years experience in the mental health profession. He writes two blogs, one called 'After Psychotherapy' where he discusses psychotherapy issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder from a psycho-dynamic perspective; on the other blog, 'Movies and Mental Health' hosted by PsychCentral, he uses classic and contemporary films to illustrate his ideas. Dr. Burgo also offers online counseling via Skype. His forthcoming book on psychological defense mechanisms will be released by New Harbinger Publications in Spring 2013.

Smoking and the Brain

While the lungs seem to be at the centre of attention when it comes to the harm that smoking causes, do know that there are other organs that are also quite vulnerable to smoke infused damage. This includes your brain. Yes, various studies have shown that a smoking habit can harm the brain. This article focuses on the damage that the brain is susceptible to because of smoking.

Smoking can Reduce Cognitive Abilities and Memory:

The findings of a study carried out as a portion of a Scottish Mental Health Survey (published in the New Scientist magazine) showed that smoking could work in reducing a person's cognitive abilities and memory. This study involved over 450 subjects, and was spread over of period of more than fifty years.

The subjects, at the end of this period, were tested for various factors such as learning, memory, non-verbal reasoning, decision-making, etc. Existing smokers or people who had quit smoking were seen to be performing at lower levels even though aspects like occupation, education, childhood IQ, etc. were accounted for. Moreover, the detrimental effects were more pronounced in subjects who were existing smokers.

Smoking can Cause Neuroinflamation:

A study led by researchers from the Indian National Brain Research Centre (published in the Journal of Neurochemistry) showed that smoking can lead to neuroinflamation, which can further lead to complications like multiple sclerosis. The basis of this finding revolve around the presence of a compound referred to as NNK which is commonly found in all tobacco products.

This compound is a pro-carcinogen, that is, it becomes carcinogenic after it goes through the body's metabolic processes. It actively works in provoking the WBCs to attack other healthy cells, and this can lead to significant neurological damage. Also, unlike drug or alcohol dependency, while NNK does not seem to have a direct effect on the brain cells, it can lead to neuroinflamation.

Other Effects:

Nicotine gets to the brain after about 10-15 seconds of the smoke being inhaled, and it at its active best for the next 20-30 minutes. Once it gets to the brain it works in changing and controlling the brain's receptor cells. This leads to the brain chemistry being affected, and this in turn, would have a direct impact on the smoker's mood. This is why specific signs such as anxiety, irritability, and mood swings can be noticed in the early days of quitting smoking.

Smoking is also known to block the carotid artery, which in turn results in the supply of blood to the brain cells being restricted. This condition, when it worsens, can lead to a stroke (cerebral thrombosis). Know that smokers are at an increased risk of suffering from a stroke when compared to non-smokers. Excessive smoking can lead to oxidative stress, and can also cause your blood to thicken and clot.

Remember, the benefits of quitting smoking aren't just physical, but psychological as well. Besides, as opposed to having to depend on the tobacco stick to guide you through an assortment of circumstances, you'd consider much healthier options that'd aid in your overall well-being.

For Information on the Effects of Smoking Cigarettes:

The Effects of Smoking on Your Heart

If you've been under the impression that smoking only affects your lungs, you do need a good reality check. Smoking affects various organs of the body along with your lungs, and even your heart is not spared. Smoking related heart ailments are continuously on the rise, and this is simply because of the detrimental effects that smoking can have on your heart. Read on to find out what smoking can do to your heart.

Decreased Supply of Oxygen:

If you are a habitual smoker, you can be certain that your heart does not receive the amount of oxygen that it would have received sans the habit. This is simply because the transfer of oxygen and carbon-dioxide in the regular breathing process is hampered owing to the inflow of cigarette smoke. This leads to a reduced supply of oxygen to the body, your heart included.

Smoking and Heart Attacks:

Various studies have shown that a smoking habit increases the possibility of a heart attack by a considerable extent, with there being no such thing as a 'safe' number of cigarettes per day. Moreover, research also points to the increasing of this possibility as the habit continues to grow. Understand that if you smoke around 20 cigarettes a day then you would have twice the possibility of suffering from a heart attack as compared to if you do not smoke at all.

Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease:

Smoking is known to lead to atherosclerosis; a condition wherein the arteries witness the build up of fatty substances. This occurs when there is a deterioration in the condition of the arteries' lining, and while the arteries' walls thicken, the plaque and fat deposits work in blocking the blood flow. In cases of coronary artery disorders the arteries responsible for the flow of blood to the heart constrict considerably, thereby reducing the supply of blood that is rich in oxygen.

When the heart experiences extra strain in such scenarios the patient can complain of chest pain (that can be associated with angina pectoris). In the event that even one of these arteries is blocked completely a heart attack could occur. In the event that atherosclerosis has an effect on the arteries responsible for the flow of blood to the legs and arms, it could lead to the onset of peripheral artery disease.

Can Quitting Smoking Undo the Damage?

If you're wondering if the ill effects of smoking on your heart can be undone, do know that there is plenty of hope. A recently carried out study in Sweden suggested that people who are successful in their quitting smoking efforts show an improvement when it comes to the risk factors associated with heart disease, and this includes the lowering of carbon monoxide and cholesterol levels.

So if you have been thinking about quitting smoking, realize that now is as good a time as any. Besides, quitting smoking while you still have a healthy heart should be the obvious way to go.

For Information on the Effects of Smoking Cigarettes:

Smoking Cessation With Hypnotherapy

Smoking is a Killer. Are You a Survivor? If so, Hypnotherapy will help you to Survive.

If you are a smoker and you are reading this article, congratulations. This is your first positive step to kicking that self-destructive habit. Using Hypnotherapy can kick the habit.

Over the years, hypnotherapy has become a proven and reliable therapy. You must, however, be certain that you want to kick the habit for the right reason. The reason and decision must be entirely yours and not someone else making it on your behalf.

For hypnotherapy to be of optimum use to you, you need to know that you can light up a cigarette, hold it in your hand, look at it and truly know that you no longer want it controlling your life and that you definitely don't want it in your life any more. If this is truly the case, then you are in the right mental attitude to allow the hypnotherapist to give you suggestions that your unconscious mind will readily accept.

The suggestions used in hypnotherapy are powerful ones and the most relevant to eliminate the continued desire for cigarettes.

Once you take the habit of smoking from your life and become a permanent non-smoker you must ensure that you continue on the road to optimum health. You have removed a so called pleasure or dependency from your life and you will need to be confident that all future pleasures will be safe and legal. If you are uncertain of what the replacement should be, if you feel you need one, then through hypnotherapy we can communicate to your unconscious and get answers.

We may start by assessing your eating pattern ie how much, when and quality of the food you eat. As you will no longer smoke, you will no longer be inhaling into your system thousands of toxic chemicals. You have significantly reduced the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer etc from stopping smoking. Therefore, you need to ensure that you are not putting your health at risk by other means.

Make sure that you are not swallowing any harmful chemicals either, in the form of additives and preservatives found in so much of our food today. Look towards 'cleaning' up your diet as well as your lungs. Hypnotherapy will help you to make these positive life changes in a way that meets with your approval and by identifying any unconscious objections you may have and dealing with them in the most appropriate way. Similarly if you have any conscious objections, these can be addressed and dealt with.

As a non-smoker you will find that you are more energetic, and will want to make use of your new found stamina. Some kind of exercise regime might be favourable to you, depending on your current state of health and current lifestyle. Hypnotherapy can aid you in becoming more physically motivated if that is an issue.

The final outcome of using Hypnotherapy to become a non-smoker.

The psychological advantages of becoming a non-smoker are vast. You will be highly confident as a result of this achievement and back in control of your life. Free from the slavery of those cigarettes, and not having to find the time during a working day to go off and smoke in a place where smoking is permitted. Also knowing that half the population does not like being around a smoker; smelling the stale smoke around them or on their breath.

One final word of warning that you must seriously be aware of, and that is in life, bad things happen. Sometimes only moderately bad, other times worse. Be prepared for such times, and when they happen, because they always do, be proactive.

Hypnotherapy will prepare you for the days, months and years ahead.

Be prepared, react in a way that is courageous, a way that reflects the highly self-esteemed person that you have become. Overcome these future obstacles by confronting them, and dealing with them head on. This way, you will never turn towards a cigarette as a way of escaping from reality or as a way of avoidance, as so often, many people do.

If you would like to find out more about smoking cessation using hypnotherapy, then please visit my website:

Debbie Winstanley is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT and NLP Practitioner and Business and Life Coach.

Hypnotherapy has been found to be highly effective in helping people become permanent non-smokers. Many other anxiety based issues can be successfully dealt with using hypnotherapy. It is a non invasive talking therapy whereby the recipient feels extremely relaxed and comfortable throughout the session.

At the end of the session it is perfectly safe to drive and return to normal every day activities.

The Benefits of Flossing Your Teeth

I started the year with two goals. Acquiring a habit and finishing a challenge in one month. Feeling like it was rather aimless and sensing the quick demise of my new-found will to overcome obstacles. The thought of creating an obstacle just to say I cleared it and the sense of accomplishment was a conflicting thought. It was already creeping out from the back of my mind and a felt the need to step it up. Setting goals is second nature to me, both in sports and school it's kind of like an automatic reflex. In the mean time I tend to disregard developing myself, which would probably in the end help reaching further in work, school, sports and relationships. My first habit was brushing my teeth and flossing every night. Now the people who think "He doesn't brush his teeth every night?!" or "You don't floss?", are the ones that already have these habits installed. In my case I sometimes skipped brushing before going to bed, blaming that the action would wake me up more. So this only happened when I was already really tired. However the flossing... well that was a bi-annual thing at the very best. Benefits of flossing We all know that flossing is good for you, but getting facts that will make you think twice about skipping the dental string.

   1. While the toothbrush is an important tool, it is inadequate when it comes to remove plaque. The response to the thin bio-film of bacteria is inflammation of the gum tissue, otherwise known as Gingivitis. Research is conflicting whether Gingivitis leads to Periodontitis, but the latter one can get really ugly. In short it affects the tissue and bone around the teeth and can lead to loss of them. When flossing, your gums might bleed. You don't need to worry, it's a sign of gum disease and actually tells you that more flossing should be on the to-do list.

   2. The plaque can also suck into the bloodstream. Researchers at Harvard found that the absorbed bacteria can possibly clog arteries and veins. Another study found that men with Periodontitis had a startling 70% greater risk of developing coronary disease, while a case of gingivitis meant a 40% increase.

   3. It leads to overall better health - By getting rid of any infections in your mouth you are lowering risk of other major health risks, including heart disease and stroke. Our body is extraordinary, it can cope with unbelievable hardship, but chronicle infections can take its toll and lead to much worse things.

   4. Well the no-brahner fact is that flossing can remove food that is really annoying, like popcorn. Instead of helplessly using your fingers or tongue, just get some dental string. A toothpick is also a great tool for such problems, but does not have the same effect on bacteria.

   5. Bad breath - bacteria is the biggest reason for foul breath and it actually feeds of the food that sticks between your teeth.

   6. Adds 6 years to your life... or 1.5 years - Two gerontologists or age doctors, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Perls, have debated this in their books. Even though the exact time added to life by flossing is unknown, it is proven that life expectancy is greater while doing so. I wonder if they subtracted the time it takes to actually floss every single day?

In a nutshell, you significantly decrease the chance of gum disease and the risk of ultimately attaining more serious health problems. You also counteract bad breath, get a longer life, get rid of irritating particles of food between your teeth and it might divert you from the embarrassment of having spinach hanging from your front teeth.

Mario Vult

I just started a website based on Monthly Challenges. My main goal with writing articles articles and blogging is to force myself into doing and experiencing more things. I will mainly focus on finishing challenges and acquiring habits, but together they counterbalance each other. I seek the steady and calculated long-term profit from getting a custom or routine that is considered good for you, but on the other hand pursue a life of constant changes and challenges. The reader can also benefit in many ways. First of all adding positive habits to your arsenal will let you reap the rewards later in life. Finishing or at least trying to finish challenges will both empower you and let escape the dreadful and depressing rut. Additional information that I will give every month can also be of value. If it is not a source of some kind of inspiration, it can at least serve as some amusement.

Sleep Apnea Surgery Treatment Is Effective

Sleep apnea is one of the most common problems these days. Many of the people come questioning to me that why they are facing this apnea problem, and several questions related to it. If you are among one of them who is going through this sleeping disorder problem due to apnea, you have clicked to the correct page. Reading through this piece of information would guide you about apnea surgeries and all the relevant points about it. Sleeping apnea is a problem which is associated with respiratory system trouble. The level of oxygen in the blood goes down in this condition and the patient face difficulty in breathing through nose. The pauses between breathing produce a sound which is similar to snoring noise.

One of the main problems of this apnea is that most of the people fail to diagnose that whether they are going through apnea or snoring problem, and in some cases they do not even know why this sleep disorder is occurring. In this way people remain untreated. The major side effects which can worsen your life include loss of job and vehicular accidents as you feel sleepy throughout the day in this condition. There is a need of professional in healthcare and public healthcare centers so that people can get to know about the sleep disorder on time and appropriate medication or sleep apnea surgery should be given to them. The surgical treatment use exterior devices for adjusting the air passageways.

There are three types of sleep apnea. The first type is central apnea, which is associated to the failure of brain to send signals to the surrounding muscles to begin the movement for breathing. The second type is the obstructive apnea which includes the blockage of air passages and it becomes difficult for you to breathe properly while sleeping. The third type is the mixture of both obstructive apnea and central apnea. It is called complex apnea. All these types do one thing comparatively that is stopping patient to breathe repeatedly and the pauses in the breathing system produce this sound.

Though it is not easy to find out whether you are having apnea or not, yet there are some symptoms and sings which can show you that you are having apnea, which is difficulty in sleeping, daytime sleepiness, constant wake up from sleep, poor quality sleep, snoring loudly, breathing pauses, depression, moodiness, irritability, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, increased urine during night, fitful and restless sleep, morning headaches, insomnia and frequent awaking at night. The symptoms of apnea are also found in children, which have slight variations. In kids, you can feel anger, irritability, hostile behavior, ill school performance, non attention towards studies, hyperactivity, development and growth problems faced in kids and mouth breathing instead of nose breathing.

Sleep apnea surgery is one of the most commonly used treatments of this apnea problem. But before going for this surgery, you need to consult the surgeon and discuss your case with the doctor in detail. External devices are used for treating this problem but if it does not help and then surgical treatments are used. In these surgical treatments, the airway passages of the patient are opened, tonsils and adenoids are removed. The throat tissues and the nasal passages are cleared so that oxygen can pass in and out easily through nostrils. Sometimes, surgeons increase the jaw of the patient for enlarging the upper airways. Sleep apnea surgery should only be used when you are not left with any other treatment and your problem gets worse.

Sleep Apnea Surgery
Finding the best Dentist to take care of you, especially those near to you is easier online.
Click here for Sleep Apnea Treatment.

Get the Best Dentist for Dental Care

Previously, a trip to the dentist was something to worry about, but not anymore. Being able to flash a beautiful smile is a goal that is now within reach, as relatively painless but effective treatment options have been developed. The history of pain and discomfort that came with visiting the dentist's office is long gone. A professional dental practice will consist of a team of health care professionals that take great interest in seeing to their clients' needs, and to ensure that a visit to the dentist is a comfortable and pleasurable experience. Every client who walks through their doors should be assured that they will receive the best outcome possible.

Many people are self-conscious because of small imperfections like faint stains or a chipped tooth, while others suffer bigger concerns of crooked and missing teeth. At reputable dental practices, you will receive a host of possible solutions to correct, and improve your smile giving you a better look than you ever expected. Good quality dental practices will ensure that their dentists are continually improving their skills to ensure that the most up-to-date treatment options are available to their clients. From tooth whitening treatments to dental implants, distinguished practices will provide a wide range of services. The problems that arise with teeth can be as a result of bad habits like smoking and indulging in sugary diets or simply due to genetics. Whatever the reason, and whatever the problem, there is a solution out there. A good dentist will have years of experience, and have successfully handled a myriad of challenges when it comes to dental care. You will find that they are best suited to tackling whatever dental problems you are experiencing. From simple dental checkups to advanced cosmetic surgery, they will be up to the task.

Make sure you visit a dentist who is highly qualified and experienced in the field of dental care, and will provide you with a satisfying and all-inclusive experience. Your ideal candidate should continually invest in the most current technology, and keep abreast of the latest procedures to ensure the highest standard of service and care. Another important factor is to insist on thorough consultations, in order to provide the best treatment and guarantee world-class service. Your dentist should also give advice on how to take care of your teeth in order to prolong the effects of the specific treatments. When you visit a practice that was set up with the goal of delivering the healthiest and brightest smiles to every client, you can be assured that it is highly likely that the practice will achieve this goal every time. With helpful and considerate staff around, it is likely that every visit to the practice will be a pleasing experience. A good dental practice highly relies on thoroughly knowledgeable assistants and admin personnel and will welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have.

The beautiful smile you desire is only a consultation away, so book an appointment with a reputable dentist today. You will receive a personalized treatment plan that will result in that perfect smile, and give you that extra boost of confidence.

About the Author:
Finding the best Dentist to take care of you, especially those near to you is easier online.
Click here for Cosmetic Dentist.

Medical-Induced Halitosis

Many people that have halitosis don't understand where it comes from. They practice superior oral care, have no oral conditions or diseases, stay away from odorous foods and abstain from smoking. In cases like these, many times the halitosis can be explained by medical conditions or diseases the individual has completely unrelated to their mouth.

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 10% of halitosis cases are rooted in issues not involving the mouth whatsoever. These cases are known as extra-oral halitosis. Sometimes odorous breath is actually a warning sign that there is a deeper medical issue at stake.

Metabolic Diseases

Metabolic disorders occur when the normal metabolizing process is disrupted by unusual chemical reactions in the body. There are a number of metabolic disorders that would cause halitosis. Certain metabolic diseases that create oral malodor are diabetes, liver failure and kidney disease. This is because the equilibrium of electrolytes and other bodily chemicals is imbalanced. Diabetes generally creates an acetone or fruity smell, while liver failure tends to have a sweet or musty smell. In liver conditions such as cirrhosis, it may result in a urine-like odor.

Trimethylaminuria is a relatively rare condition that may produce fish odor as it creates an improper production of the enzyme Flavin containing monooxygenase 3.

Autoimmune Diseases

There are a handful of autoimmune diseases that may also cause unpleasant breath. Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes Xerostomia, or intense dry mouth, which can cause worsening of breath odor. Other autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and lupus can cause poor breath.


Odorous breath may also be a symptom of cancer. Cancer of the lungs, esophagus, tongue, mouth, pharynx or larynx can all cause foul odors when breathing. If you are experiencing pain in these areas, bleeding from the mouth, coughing or difficulty swallowing, you will want to see a doctor with your conditions.

Chronic Sinusitis, Post Nasal Drip & Allergies

Many times people with chronic sinusitis, sinus infections, post nasal drip or allergies are affected by breath problems. Problems with your sinuses generally causes inflammation in the nasal passages. The inflammation creates a narrowing of the passages disallowing the healthy flow of mucous and bodily matter. The trapped matter attracts sulfur-excreting bacteria that lead to halitosis.

Medications that Induce Halitosis

Some of the most frequently used prescription drugs have side effects related to bad breath, dry mouth or taste disorders. While the issue the medication is solving may be more important than minor bad breath, identifying what is causing your oral malodor may help you make a better decision for yourself. A few of the common medications that cause bad breath are:

    * Blood pressure medication - Zocor
    * Anti-deppresants - Prozac, Zoloft
    * Antihitamines - Claritin
    * Cold medications

If you or a loved one suffers from medical-induced halitosis, there are solutions for you. You can visit the bad breath clinic to isolate the problem and find a solution. You may interested in home care solutions. The Center for Breathcure has a variety of products from dry mouth remedies to Oral B Sonic Toothbrushes!

About the Author: Dr. Anthony Dailley has been practicing dentistry since 1981 and conducts research pertaining to bad breath solutions and treatments at the California Pacific Lab. Dr Dailley specializes in curing bad breath. He founded the Center for Breath Treatment as well as NovaBay Pharmaceutical, a publicly held biopharmaceutical company. Visit Dr. Dailley, the bad breath dentist with a 99% success rate.

Oral Health Warning For Smokers

Smokers are getting a timely reminder about the dental damage they are incurring with their nicotine addiction. Regularly smoking cigarettes dramatically increases the risk of getting diseases such as mouth cancer and the nicotine ingredient also stains teeth leaving them with an unhealthy yellow tinge.

Despite these widely publicised dangers, recent research by the American government has revealed that smokers are less likely to visit their dentist compared to non-smokers. US governmental department the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that over a third of smokers complained of having a wide variety of dental problems ranging from stained teeth to jaw pain and toothache as well as infected gums.

The number of problems reported by smokers was twice as many compared to people who had never smoked in their life but this did not encourage them to visit the dentist more regularly. It was discovered that 20 per cent of smokers surveyed claimed that they had not visited their dentist in at least five years and this reluctance to have their teeth checked is only exacerbating their oral health problems. Smokers should make regular appointments with their dentist because they are at a higher risk of suffering from oral diseases which can be treated more effectively if caught early enough.

The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) reported that three-quarters of mouth cases are linked to tobacco and alcohol consumption so reducing or eliminating the amount you smoke and drink is incredibly important. Aside from the health issues, smoking also damages the appearance of a person's facial features including their smile, which is one of the most important factors in making a positive first impression. Smokers are much more likely to have an unattractive yellow smile and have missing teeth compared to non-smokers and this puts them at a distinct disadvantage in their love life.

With Valentine's Day looming, the BDHF has stated that bad breath, which is another by-product of smoking, is the number one passion killer for those looking for love on the big night. Tobacco is a serious cause of bad breath so smokers are advised to brush their tongue, or to use a tongue scraper, as this will also help to reduce the nicotine odours emanating from the mouth. If your attempts at eradicating bad breath are not working, it is advisable to make an appointment with your dentist or hygienist as they will be able to advise you on how to clean more effectively.

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The ADHD College Quest

Are you looking for the right college where you can succeed in spite of your ADHD symptoms? Aside from the curriculum, other features like campus size, student culture, and disability services are important considerations when you choose your college. Before you set your heart on the college you'd like to go to, take a moment to consider your needs and how your ADHD symptoms might influence them. Start your quest for the perfect college by answering these questions as honestly as you can.

What subjects or fields of expertise are you interested in studying?

Not many high school students are aware of what they want to major in, but people with ADHD feel less motivated to do well if they take courses that do not interest them. Choose a school or major that will ignite your passion rather than one that you "have" to take. If you are uncertain about what your interests are, visit your guidance counselor's office and ask to take a skill assessment. You may also want to consider a liberal arts college, which has a broad range of courses, programs, and academic activities.

Do you need support or structure for ADHD?

College is a great opportunity for you to redefine yourself, but consider your ADHD symptoms. If you intend to go far away from home, see if your potential college has an ADHD support group you can be a part of. Are you the kind who cannot strike a balance between work and play? If so, a "party school" may not be a wise choice.

Do you like receiving individual attention from teachers?

Some students with ADHD thrive when their teacher gives them personalized attention. After all, large classes can be distracting for those with ADHD and can make you feel as though you're lost in a crowd. You'll be tempted to skip class and before you know it, you'll be so far behind that you end up dropping the class altogether. If this sounds like you, go for small schools with a low student to teacher ratio.

Do high-energy environments excite you?

Other students with ADHD need a busy, bustling campus in order to stay motivated. If small, sleepy campuses sound dull to you, consider a medium-sized or large college with lots of extracurricular activities and an active student life.

Do you have sleep problems?

Look for a school with in-campus dormitories so you won't have a problem showing up at your early morning classes. If you have difficulty falling asleep, look for lodging with quiet hallways and single rooms to avoid roommate distractions and other stimuli that can disrupt your sleep and studies.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is adhd.